Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Benjamin Graham Lesson 8 Balance sheet research

The balance sheet tells you about the assets and liabilities of the company at some point of time. It can also show how it has changed over a period of time. You should evaluate it critically. Graham says you should accept the company´s figures about liabilities. The real value of the assets can be different than company has announced. The value of some fixed assets, such as inventories are not always the same as found from the balance sheet. Some of them can have the same value company paid for them even though they are worthless. Intangible assets such as, mental capital of the employees and brand value are hard to evaluate. They can be either much undervalued or overvalued. Most often they are overvalued. You have to use your own judgment about the worth of such assets.

As an analyst, you will benefit at least in four ways. First, you can define the character and the amount of the resources that are used in a business. These resources are the basis of the earnings in the economically survivable business. A business without proper resources cannot have any significant earnings in a competitive industry. You can also use the balance sheet to find out how much an owner of a business can get from the liquidation of the company´s assets, when the business is not survivable.

Second, you can also use the resources in the balance sheet to figure out the character and stability of the company´s sources of income. Graham thought that the return of assets can only seldom create more income than the cost of capital. He believed that earnings estimates that are only supported by the balance sheet are realistic and accurate enough. The earnings of the business are short-lived unless the balance sheet support them. Graham believed that bigger profit margins were tempting for new competitors without a need for a strong balance sheet.

Third, the liabilities tell an analyst about the sources of financing and economical situation. The large amount of recurring debt or nonrecurring debt that needs to be paid in few years refers to coming financial problems. Even small variations can lead to a significant losses of enterprise value. Fourth, the changes in the balance sheet tells you about the quality of the earnings.
Cash flows should reflect on the changes in economic situations in the companies. You have to remember that balance sheet tells you the situation about the assets and liabilities right now. Without following the changes in the balance sheet, you cannot evaluate the development of the business and how it should happen in the future.

You can make an estimation about the value of the balance sheet in many ways. Graham had three different ways of doing it. He used a book value, a quick ratio, and current ratio. Graham defined a book value by adding all the fixed assets together and subtracts them with all the liabilities, preferred stocks, and their liabilities. Quick ratio adds up the cash and cash equivalents, and divide them with all the liabilities and preferred stocks. Cash includes all the marketable securities, etc. Current ratio adds up all the current assets and divides them with current liabilities.

Graham had mixed attitudes toward the book value during his investment career. He first ignored the book value in a book Security Analysis, because he thought that companies reported flawed estimated about the values of the assets in the balance sheet. On the other hand, he uses book values later in his career, when he was trying to find right securities for his diversified portfolio. He also believed that you should check the book value if you are interested about the stock of a company and want to make an estimation how much you should pay for it. You should never take a company´s valuation by itself. You have to know Quick ratio for a stock is seldom larger than how much you have to pay for it in the markets. These situations can be valuable for the investor, unless a company has large losses.

I hope you will find time to search through a balance sheet of a company for the last business cycle. You should find out how assets and liabilities have progressed through the cycle. Then make your own conclusions about them. For example find out if they have any discontinuities? If so, why?


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